The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide

Tags search : Vegetarian

Search for "Vegetarian" returned 5 matches

Restaurants > Sopa

Address : Nieremberg, 23
Opening hours : From 9am until 9pm Monday through Friday. Saturdays from 11am until 9pm. Sundays closed.
Phone : 00 34 91 413 1719
Metro/Bus : Metro: Alfonos XIII (Línea 4) - Prosperidad (Línea 4) - Concha Espina (Línea 9) / Bus:Av. Ramón y Cajal: 43, 52, 120 - C/Alfonso XIII: 40, 43 - C/López de Hoyos: 9, 73 -C/Príncipe de Vergara: 16, 29, 52

Sopa in Spanish means Soup. Sopa is based on a new concept in economic and organic food made out of Soups as the star dish. This new concept joins together three qualities: health, economic and fast...

Restaurants > Al Natural

Address : Zorrilla, 11
Opening hours : Lunches, from 1 to 4. And dinners from 8:30 to 12. We only close Sunday evenings.
Phone : 00 34 913 694 709
Metro/Bus : Metro: Sevilla

Very close to Prado and the Thyssen Museum, a vegetarian stop of quality at Al Natural, one of the references of the city....

Restaurants > La Galette

Address : Conde de Aranda, 11
Opening hours : Mon-Sat 2-4pm and 9pm-midnight - Reservations recommended
Phone : 00 34 91 576 06 41
Metro/Bus : Metro: Retiro

La Galette, one of the oldest vegetarian restaurants in Madrid and still at the top!...

Restaurants > Artemisa

Address : Tres Cruces, 4
Opening hours : Opened everyday
Phone : (+34) 91 521 87 21
Metro/Bus : Metro: Gran Vía (L1 y L5)

Artemisa is one of the best vegetarian restaurants in Madrid..

Restaurants > Yerbabuena

Address : Bordadores, 3
Phone : +34 915 480 811
Metro/Bus : Metro: Sol,Opera

For those who think that vegetarian cooking is always the same they should try Yerbabuena, it won't disappoint you!

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