The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide

Tags search : Fish and Seafood

Search for "Fish and Seafood" returned 5 matches

Restaurants > La Flamenca

Address : Álvarez Gato, 5
Opening hours : From 12am to 5pm and from 8pm to 2am - Closed on sunday
Phone : 00 34 915 32 07 84
Metro/Bus : Sol

Merluza, dorada, ventresca de bonito, tortitas de camarón, boqueroncitos fritos but also seafood and great tapas at La Flamenca...

Restaurants > La Castela

Address : Doctor Castelo, 22
Opening hours : From 2pm to 4pm and for 9pm to 1am. Closed on sunday
Phone : 00 34 91 573 55 90
Metro/Bus : Metro: Ibiza

La Castela, tapas, fish and seafood and plenty of traditional dishes, what else?

Restaurants > Midnight Rose

Address : Plaza de Santa Ana, 14
Opening hours : From 1:30pm to 4pm and for 8pm to 11:30pm..
Phone : 00 34 91 701 60 00
Metro/Bus : Sol

Midnight Rose is the restaurant of the hotel ME Madrid Reina Victoria (The hotel of the bullfighters). Midnight Rose is the occasion to discover a new kind of cuisine: The Nikkei!

Restaurants > El Chaflán

Address : Avenida Pío XII, 34
Opening hours : Open Weekdays 1:30pm-4pm, 9pm-11:30pm; Sat 9pm-11:30pm.
Phone : 00 34 913 506 193
Metro/Bus : Duque de Pastrana, Pío XII

The chef Juan Pablo Felipe obtained his star in the Michelin Guide by revisiting the Andalusian cuisine with lot of modernity. Bet successful since media, politics and people from fashion meet at El Chaflán regularly...

Restaurants > La Trainera

Address : Lagasca, 60
Opening hours : From 1:30pm to 4pm and for 8pm to 11:30pm. Closed on sunday
Phone : 00 34 91 576 80 35
Metro/Bus : Serrano, Velazquez

Madrid has the reputation to be The city in Spain for fish and the seafood and in Madrid one of the great references for fish and seafood is La Trainera....

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