The Madrid Guide
The Madrid Guide
Guide du Tourisme à Madrid
Guide du Tourisme à Madrid
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Gabana 1800 à Madrid

Gabana 1800 est un club ultra-branché de Madrid, On y croise footballeurs professionnels, top models et beautiful people.
Evidement c’est carrément cher mais la musique est très bonne. Valet service and VIP area…

Dernier commentaire

Margot (7 avr 2013 - 10:30)
Hi !
and what about the price of the entrance and the drinks?


Gabana 1800 à Madrid

Adresse : Velázquez, 6
Code postal : 28001
Ville : Madrid - Espagne
Quartier : Salamanca
Horaires d'ouverture : Du jeudi au samedi de 23:30 à 6 heures
Tél. : 00 34 915 76 06 86
Métro/Bus : Retiro


Vos commentaires : Gabana 1800

- Margot
(7 avr 2013 - 10:30)
Hi !
and what about the price of the entrance and the drinks?
le cabana 1800 a madrid
- Manu Grognet
(23 mars 2012 - 19:30)
apres le match direction la club cabana 1800 ou toute les starts madrillaine!!!!!!!!
- Sorina
(13 fév 2012 - 18:30)
ok,ANDY,but somebody coud bee confused and he or she tought your glass.You musn´t bee so disepointed. ;)
Don't leave your drinks unattended
- Andrey
(26 mai 2011 - 09:45)
I bought a a vodka + lemonade, made a few drops and put my glass on the bar counter. in 5 minutes when I was looked for it and it was gone. the lady, who sold me it for 14 Euros, said that she could do nothing with it. although she remember me quite well (this was not the first drink, which I bought during that night), did not offer anything to me as a complimentary, which was quite disappointing.
Gabana 1800
- Elena del Casar
(24 déc 2010 - 13:00)
Uno de los clubs más exclusivos de la ciudad, donde el lujo y el glamour se mezclan con la buena música y el ambiente más cool del momento.
Añadir fotos
- Ricardo Crespo
(24 déc 2010 - 13:00)
Hola, buenos días!!

¿Puedo subir fotos de la sala Gabana 1800? Son de muy buena calidad y por supuesto tengo derechos de autor. Muchas gracias!
for professional footballer...
- bob
(21 juin 2010 - 09:30)
a bit to trendy. For professional footballer or top model.. but really good play list.

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2003 - 26 mars 2018 - 22:30
Bobby Michael - 4 jan 2018 - 20:15
To my beloved city Madrid
Ms Rocha - 4 jan 2018 - 20:15
Check in today
Nancy - 26 oct 2017 - 22:30
Tickets to the Oct. 14, 2017 game
Monique BONHOMME - 2, avenue du Languedoc 35000 RENNES France - 26 oct 2017 - 22:30
Je voudrai découvrir Madrid en 3 J. Un plan de la ville me serait nécessaire